Can Goats Eat Cheese

Can Goats Eat Cheese? What You Need to Know!


Goats are known for their love of grass, hay, and leaves, but what about cheese? It’s a question that has puzzled goat lovers for ages.

We are excited to share the science of goats and cheese, and try to answer the age-old question: can goats eat cheese? You might be surprised by the answer! keep reading

Can Goats Eat Cheese

Can Goats Eat Cheese? 

The short answer is Yes! Goats can eat cheese. However, before you begin feeding your goat a constant cheese diet, consider a few factors.

First, goats should only eat small amounts of cheese, which can be high in fat and sodium. Secondly, certain cheeses may not be suitable for them.

Although this may appear strange, there is a scientific solution. While goats do not eat cheese in the wild, they can digest it.

Some goat farmers supplement their goats’ diets with cheese to provide more protein and calcium.


The Dangers of Goats Eating Cheese

While goats can theoretically consume cheese, there are some risks to be aware of. First, as previously said, cheese is heavy in fat and sodium, which can create digestive problems in goats if consumed in excess.

Secondly, cheese can be a choking threat for goats since it is difficult to chew and swallow, some cheeses may contain hazardous elements for goats, such as mold, salt, or spices.

So, while a small amount of cheese is generally safe for goats, it is critical to be aware of the potential risks.

The other issue is that cheese’s high fat and sodium content might cause dehydration in goats. In addition, the high calcium concentration of cheese can cause the production of urinary calculi, which can be extremely uncomfortable for goats.

Some cheeses include preservatives and other compounds that may be hazardous to goats. So, while goats can consume tiny amounts of cheese.

It is critical to be aware of the potential hazards. Another thing to remember is that cheese is not natural.

How You Can Properly Feed Your Goat A Balanced Diet

Goats browse, not graze like cows. This implies they prefer to eat the leaves of bushes and trees over grass. In the wild, goats frequently climb trees to get to the best leaves.

Domestic goats, on the other hand, are rarely given access to trees when housed on farms. This is why it is critical to give them food that closely resembles their natural diet as possible. The simplest way to do this is to give them hay, which is dried grass or other vegetation.

You can also give them fresh grass, but only in moderation because too much of it can create intestinal issues. In addition to hay and grass, goats require protein, such as soybean meal or alfalfa pellets. Finally, goats require access to fresh water at all times.


Aside From Cheese, What Other Foods Can Goats Eat?

Here are some of the foods goats can eat:

  • Hays
  • Weeds
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grasses
  • Grains
  • Plants
  • Some tree barks
  • Trees

What Foods You Should Avoid Giving Your Goats

Here are other foods that should never be given to goats:

  • Onion
  • unripe pineapple
  • Certain variants of green beans
  • Peach pits and other fruits from the rose plant family.

Your goats should not be fed animal products either. This includes any meat or meat-containing goods, such as dog and cat food.


Great right? Goats can eat cheese, but it’s not the healthiest food for them. Goats may be harmed by preservatives or other chemicals included in cheese, which can also be rich in fat and sodium.

If you do decide to give your goat cheese, it’s important to keep the amount small and monitor them closely for any signs of digestive upset or other health problems.

It’s also important to make sure that your goat is getting enough of the nutrients they need from other sources, such as hay and fresh vegetables. In the end, the best thing for your goat is to stick to a diet that’s
