Is Mozzarella cheese halal? The question of Halal or Haram, i.e., what is permitted or forbidden in Islam, springs up often. In the world of cheese, this is no exception. As a Muslim, can you consume Mozzarella without eating haram? Find out all you need to know to be safe in this article.
Mozzarella cheese is a timeless favorite for pizzas, pasta, salads, and the like, but can Muslims have Mozzarella? Is Mozzarella cheese Halal? How do you know when food is Halal? Let’s crack the code together!
How does food like Mozzarella cheese become Halal?
Halal food is food that follows the set rules in the Qu’ran on how Islamic food should be processed and prepared. Any food that follows these exact guidelines is deemed Halal.
These are the guiding principles for food to be considered Halal:
- It does not contain anything that is haram in Shariah law (haram things include alcohol, narcotics, blood, pork, food or meat prepared for idols, meat of animals dead or sick before slaughter or not slaughtered in the Islamic way, fish with no scales, insects except locusts, clawed-winged creatures, etc.).
- It was not prepared, processed, or contaminated with anything haram.
- It was not prepared, processed, transported, or stored in any facility contaminated by anything haram.
- It does not contain najis (unclean) material, according to Shariah law.
- It must be safe for human consumption, non-poisonous, non-intoxicating, or non-hazardous to health.
- It must not be prepared, processed, or manufactured using equipment that was contaminated with najis or haram foods, according to Shariah law.
- The meat(s) must be slaughtered as per Islamic rites.
Is Mozzarella Cheese Halal?
The answer to this question depends on several factors. Mozzarella cheese CAN be Halal if the process of production used in making it follows the guidelines listed above for the production of Halal food.
Mozzarella cheese is typically made from milk and rennets gotten from ruminants (cows, sheep, and goats), and these are considered Halal. To ensure that it is processed to its end product as Halal, all equipment and processes used in its production must follow the Halal guidelines to make the final product Halal.
During production, when non-Halal equipment and procedures are used, even if the ingredients used are meant to be Halal, the Mozzarella cheese result would be Haram.
How do I make sure my food is Halal?
Apart from making sure your Mozzarella cheese follows the above Halal guidelines, you can also find out if your food is Halal by checking through the ingredients listed on the packet to see if they are all Halal. Ensure to check and validate them as “Halal-friendly,” which does not always translate to Halal.
Another way to find out if your Mozzarella cheese, or your processed foods in general, are Halal is to check for the Halal-certified stamp on the packet. Ensure that the name of the certifying company is visible along with the stamp so you can confirm its validity.
A certified stamp shows that all processes involved in the production of the Mozzarella cheese or food have been checked and recognized to be Halal. However, more often than not, especially with Mozzarella cheese, you might need to rely more on checking ingredients. A Halal scanner app can help with that.
Some Mozzarella cheese producers avoid the use of animal rennets and opt for artificial ones which do the same thing the enzymes in an animal rennet would do, but without the risk of being Haram.
What does the Halal Mark look like on Mozarella Cheese?
Although it varies in countries and regions, Halal marks have similarity. A typical similarity in the Halal mark is a green shape with a white crescent moon and star inside, with Islamic writing. Sometimes, Halal is written in the symbol. Ensure that, aside from the mark, there is the name of the certifying company on it as well.
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Is Mozzarella cheese Halal? Yes, it is. Many cheese producers are now complying with the Halal requirements. With this, Muslims can also enjoy the rich flavor and versatile use of Mozzarella cheese.
If you’re still not convinced the Mozzarella cheese available in your local area is Halal, seek clarity from your local religious authority or a similar trusted source to be certain.