Can Gerbils Have Cheese

Can Gerbils Have Cheese? Exploring the Gerbil Diet


Gerbils are an interesting set of animals to study or take care of. They are mostly household pets and are commonly associated with rodents, especially rats, so their diets do not regularly include cheese. Can gerbils have cheese?

Can Gerbils Have Cheese

Gerbils are mostly known to feed on grasses, seeds, roots, and nuts. They can also feed on small insects, though not all the time, unlike other meals they eat.

Can Gerbils Have Cheese?

These pets, however, are open to the idea of being fed new things, such as fruits and vegetables, among others, to effectively balance their diet.

In addition to these new food options, gerbils can also have cheese, even though it is made from milk and is not at all part of their natural diet.

Gerbils actually like cheese, so it can be fed to them, but on an occasional basis, and only in moderate rations. This is because cheese contains some properties that may not be considered friendly to germs.


What Kind Of Cheese Can Gerbils Eat?

As much as your domestic pets are in love with the unique and flavorful treat called cheese, it would not be wise to feed it to them all the time. When cheese is fed to your gerbils, make sure it is done sparingly.

As a pet owner, it is also important for you to know that not all types of cheese should be fed to your pets. We will look at the types of cheese which you can and cannot feed to your gerbils, so you do not end up putting them in harm’s way.

You can feed your gerbils with mild cheddar and Gruyere cheeses, Swiss cheese and ricotta. Again, manchego, gouda, and cottage cheese are great dietary options for your pets.

These types of cheese do not prove to be harmful to the overall health of the gerbils in your care.

However, there are some other types of cheese that you should avoid feeding to your pets. These cheeses include cheddar and brie. This is because they can cause digestive problems for them.

Other types of cheese, like goat cheese and blue cheese, contain mold that is harmful to gerbils. You should not also feed your pets processed cheese, like American cheese, because it contains a high level of salt and preservatives.

Is Cheese Healthy for Gerbils?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. While cheese has some attractions for your gerbil, it can also pose some problems for them, especially when they are given cheese in large amounts, and more often.

Amongst other things, cheese contains a good dose of calcium, which regulates muscle function. It also has protein and is high in vitamin B12.

Cheese has a good amount of vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, D, E, and K. But for gerbils, the magnesium property in cheese is all your pet would need. It plays a vital role in the brain health of rodents. Cheese also boosts the immune system of gerbils.

On the other hand, a regular intake of cheese can cause digestive problems in gerbils. This is because, once they are weaned, gerbils lose their ability to digest lactose.

This makes them intolerant of the sugar that is commonly found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

Such side effects in gerbils are bloating, cramps, diarrhoea, and extreme weakness. Frequently feeding cheese to gerbils can also cause obesity, because of its high protein and fat content.


What Other Foods Should Not Be Given to Gerbils?

Feeding your pet with the right meals is a very vital way of taking care of it properly. Apart from cheese, which should be given to them sparingly, and on an occasional basis, there are other meals that you should not feed your pets.

One such meal is sweets. The high sugar content in these sweets can lead to diabetes in your pets. Garlic and onions also contain poisonous compounds that can harm the red blood cells and cause anaemia in gerbils.

Furthermore, while these pets can eat nuts like pecans, peanuts, and hazelnuts, they must avoid almonds, as they have harmful cyanide properties. Again, kidney beans, and legumes in general, contain lectin. This is harmful to gerbils.

Citrus fruits and beverages are also harmful, so they must not be part of their diet. Not all human food is suitable for gerbils. So, before introducing a new meal to them, you can consult with your vet, or do proper research yourself.

Cheese can be a tasty and occasional treat given to your pet, but it should not replace their balanced diet. And note that any cheese that you feed gerbils with must be low in fat and sodium, like mozzarella cheese.
